24-hour marathon of the National Council of Architects

Architect Desimone took part in the marathon on the future of the profession and of our country on the theme of Sustainable Living.

An intervention lasting a few minutes in which he was able to express his considerations on the relationship between cities and their territory. Cities are energy-intensive entities that consume much more than they are capable of producing, and this affects the territory as a problem.

Finding the right balance between the parties should become a priority to avoid phenomena such as the depopulation of the villages and the low quality of life in some parts of the cities.

The various project scales, from urban to interior design, passing through the use of new technologies and materials, push more and more to imagine a circular economy model also in the construction sector.

The theme of sustainability intervenes in this relationship and stimulates us to rethink which synergies can be recreated to improve our quality of life.