Project Description

New construction

MERANO (BZ) | Italy



2nd Phase – 7th classified

Energy and land are the guidelines for the design of the new headquaters for energy company Alperia, one of the most prominent energy provider in South Tyrol. The building becames an integral part of natural landscape and aims to provide a space of relationship and interaction. The features of surrounding mountainsides are rock and wood; for this reason we choose this materials to give building an identity image, and they show different features and uses. The rock shapes the building base, and defines the square and pedestrian paths. The wood has two different features: it becames a structural element and wants to re-create the local house, while at the same time it is a brise-soleil to control light intensity. The project of installations aims to create a welcoming and energy-efficient ambient capable of ensuring sustainability and micro-climatic comfort. The installation tecnology wants to reduce the energy requirements of building and to use renewable energy, in order to obtein LEED and WELL certifications.

client | Alperia

construction period | 2018

surface | 6.000 mq